Sunday, October 9, 2011

Where do I even begin?!?!

I've decided to re-invent myself here on the ol' blog. It's been a while that I've been on and decided to switch things up a bit. I've been creating this blog in my head for a while now and "storing" things away in my memory for future blog posts but I need to be honest here - this is difficult for me. I struggle to imagine that my family and friends will REALLY know what goes on in this head of mine. So for right now, I think this will be staying unpublished until I get enough courage to go public. So please bear with me.
After listening to the wonderful Kelle Hampton of Enjoying the Small Things on a National Down Syndrome Society webinar today, I've decided that it's time to get this blog started. Or re-started in this case. So welcome! Or welcome back if you were a faithful follower before. Although, I don't really think I had any followers besides my own mother :o)
One of the insights that I gained from today's webinar is that we all have an opportunity to advocate using our own gifts and talents; through whatever avenue we may choose. I believe it is my responsibility, as a mother of a child with special needs, to show the world that we all live valuable lives and we all have something great to contribute regardless of how many chromosomes make up our bodies.
So thank you Kelle Hampton, for your inspiration to re-create this blog. My hope is that I can use it as a tool to advocate, to educate, and to share our story.

*Post created July 2012. I'm not sure why the date keeps saying October 2011.*